A Writing and Reading Kind of Weekend – Un fin de semana de escritura y lectura

A Writing and Reading Kind of Weekend

This weekend, I am indulging in two passions of mine: reading and writing. 

On Thursday, I had my second private writing class, and the lesson focused on my opening scene for my book. We talked about a good lead line, which according to Nora is a “powerful opening sentence is the hook that captures interest and compels a reader to enter the story.” She told me that my ultimate job as a writer is to “affect what a reader thinks and how a reader feels. My job is to manipulate these two things.”

Okay. Easy enough, right?

credit: www.marketingartfully.com
credit: http://www.marketingartfully.com

Not really. I’ve been writing for about two hours, and I have come up with about three sentences that seem okay to me. I’ll be emailing my first draft to Nora this weekend. I’m anxious about what she’ll say. 

And now, a bit of writing advice from a writing amateur. 

Prior to taking these writing class, I wrote my memoir as perhaps any amateur writer would do it. I put some thoughts into what I wanted to write, and I wrote. I’ve written approximately 230 pages for my book, and I’ve come to the realization that I am not using that writing for my memoir. I’ll definitely use the ideas, and there could be hidden treasures in it, but I’m starting anew. My advice would be if you are serious about becoming a professional writer take classes from a professional. I couldn’t be happier or more pleased with Nora’s wealth of knowledge and experience, her care and patience towards making me successful in honing the craft that I love and in helping me become a professional writer.

Reading is also on my to do list this weekend. 

I’m currently reading two books: Piense y Hágase Rico (Think and Grow Rich) by Napoleon Hill and Ask and It is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires by Esther and Jerry Hicks. They’re both great!

I’d love to hear if you are taking any writing classes? Or, what are you plans for this weekend?

Un fin de semana de escritura y lectura

Este fin de semana, estoy disfrutando de dos de mis pasiones:  escritura y lectura. 

Este jueves, tuve mi segunda clase de escritura y la lección fue sobre la primera escena de mi libro. Hablamos de lo que una buena primera línea de un libro. Según Nora, la primera línea es “poderosa y es el gancho que capta el interés y obliga al lector a entrar en la historia.” Me dijo que el trabajo de un escritor es de “afectar lo que piensa y siente el lector. Mi trabajo es de manipular estas dos cosas.”

Está bien. ¿Fácil, verdad?

credit: www.marketingartfully.com  "No hay nada especial en escribir. Todo lo que haces es sentarte ante la máquina de escribir y sangrar."  ~Ernest Hemingway
credit: http://www.marketingartfully.com
“No hay nada especial en escribir. Todo lo que haces es sentarte ante la máquina de escribir y sangrar.” ~Ernest Hemingway

No, no es tan fácil. Tengo dos horas escribiendo y solamente he escrito tres frases. Este fin de semana, le mandaré a Nora por email mi primer borrador de la primera escena del libro. Estoy ansiosa por lo que me va a decir.

Y ahora, un consejo de escritura de una escritora aficionada.

Antes de tomar las clases de escritura, escribí mi memoria como quizás un escritor aficionada lo haría. Pensé sobre lo que quería compartir y  lo escribí. He escrito aproximadamente 230 páginas para mi libro y hace unos días me di cuenta que no usaré esa escritura en mi libro.  Usaré las ideas y quizás hallaré uno que otro tesoro, pero empiezo de nuevo. Mi consejo sería que si quisieran ser escritores profesionales, hablen con profesionales y tomen clases de un profesional. No podría estar más feliz o más contenta con el conocimiento y la experiencia de Nora y con su paciencia para hacer que sea exítosa en perfeccionar el oficio que amo y en ayudarme a ser una escritora profesional.

También voy a leer este fin de semana. 

Actualmente estoy leyendo dos libros: Piense y Hágase Rico (Think and Grow Rich) por Napoleon Hill y Ask and It is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires (Pide y se te dará: Aprende a manifestar tus deseos) por Esther y Jerry Hicks. ¡Me encantan ambos!

Me encantaría saber si están tomando alguna clase de escritura o ¿qué van a hacer este fin de semana?

15 thoughts on “A Writing and Reading Kind of Weekend – Un fin de semana de escritura y lectura

  1. Pues he terminado “La elegancia del erizo” y comencé con “Filosofía oculta” de Cornelio Agrippa. Y mañana iré a un bello pueblo cercano a comprar muebles para mi hogar.
    Saludos para ti.




  3. Yo siempre he dicho que todos tenemos una historia para contar. Yo también no supe organizarlo y lo dejé por mucho tiempo. Pero, es un deseo que debo que cumplir. Siempre he querido escribir un libro y me he prometido a mí misma. Inténtalo de nuevo si es una meta tuya. Saludos, Liz


  4. Have fun with your writing! My creativity is mostly through photography, but I do occasionally write poetry…this year I’ve not written much, but I’m sure I will one day,! I attend a very relaxed writing class, get some great tuition but alas all too often I don’t make use of it….


    1. Hello Suej, thank you so much for your comment! I spent most if yesterday writing, and I came up with what I think is a good paragraph. We’ll see what my teacher has to say about it. I also enjoy photography, and I’d love to take a class some time. The time will come when you will write. Have a great rest of your weekend!


  5. the writing class sounds like a wonderful challenge, enjoy. IF you like the Think and Grow Rich book, Napoleon did a second book 30 some years later that also had some new material in it – Grow Rich with Peace of Mind. Just written from his “mature” mind set of 70 years old. Hope the weekend went well, and again, thanks for inspiring us all to be better writers. (which means I should start thinking about a class… oiy!)


    1. Hello, Mikey! I had a great weekend. I hope you had a good weekend, too. I have never heard of it Grow Rich with Peace of Mind, but I’ll have to read it. The writing class is a challenge, but I am enjoying it a lot! I’m excited about all the changes in my writing. Of course, being a writer, I think everyone should take a writing class. 🙂 Blessings, Liz


  6. Nice perspective. It cannot be more satisfying when we feel we have done justify for both our reading and writing…it always that one get left behind in our allocation of time. We go on writing and then realize that we are to catch up in our reading agenda. Yes as a writer we discovery our self better when we take writing classes…there is a great learning in the teaching.


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