Because I Am Worth It! ¡Porque yo lo valgo!

Because I Am Worth It!

On January 9th, I began an amazing teleclass with Barbara Stanny called Overcoming Underearning® Level 1: A 5 Step Plan to a Richer Life, which is based on her book: Overcoming Underearning®: A 5 Step Plan to A Richer Life. The progress that I have made since then has been nothing short of a miracle. Healing, as I have learned, comes in many forms, and financial healing is one of them.

For the teleclass, Barbara had us write goals, and my goal is to have a breakthrough and to understand why I have resistance to earning more money. I had the most incredible breakthrough a few days ago!

The Click!

“Aha! I got it!, I said.” What are you talking about? You may ask yourself. I’m talking about the click. The click is a phrase that Barbara uses in her book, Overcoming Underearning®. She describes it as “That ‘aha’ moment when you recognize, with every fiber of your being, that you deserve to earn more for no other reason than you’re worth it.”

A couple of days ago, I couldn’t sleep. Tired of tossing and turning,  I turned on the light, and I reached for Overcoming Underearning®. As I opened the book, I began to read a section called Your Deepest Values. Somewhere during this reading I discovered for myself that I never took the time to look at what I valued, mainly because I had never highly valued myself.  Something clicked in me, and I knew then that I deserved to earn more money because I am worth it!


Why is this the greatest breakthrough to date for me?

I got the click when I realized that healing financially does not have anything to do with money.  It has to do with the values you hold, being true to them, and honoring your truth, as well. I know now with certainty that I am worth it, and that I do indeed value myself!

However, this came with some resistance.

Immediately after making this fateful connection, I was met with my inner voice, Sabina. You know, it’s that critical voice in your head that says, “You’re not good enough. You don’t have the skills or experience to do this or that.” In Overcoming Underearning®, Barbara calls this negative voice Blanche, and she has a section in her book titled,  “Don’t Listen to Blanche.” This subtitle alone is a great piece of advice. That night, my Blanche told me, “Really, Liz? You have the audacity to say that you’re worth it?” My reply to it was, “Yes! I have the audacity to not only say that I deserve all this, but I am worth it, too!” It felt so good!

I feel as though a veil has been lifted.

For the first time, I am allowing financial prosperity into my life on a higher lever than ever before.  I still feel resitance and I have learned that I will always be met up with it. The key is to take action and to pursue your dreams until they become a reality.  Because of this,  I’ll continue to work towards my dream of writing and my business in spite of fears may come up. Why? Because I am worth it!

Barbara’s teleclass has helped me tremendously. If you’d like more information on Barbara’s seminars click here.

What breakthroughs have you had with money or otherwise?

¡Porque yo lo valgo!

Este nueve de enero empecé a tomar una teleclase increíble con Barbara StannyOvercoming Underearning® Level 1: A 5 Step Plan to a Richer Life. Está basada en su libro: Overcoming Underearning®: A 5 Step Plan to a Richer Life. En Español,  sería Superando bajos ingresos: Un plan de 5 pasos para una vida más rica. El progreso que he hecho ha sido milagroso. La sanación viene en muchas formas y el saneamiento financiero es uno de ellos.

Para la teleclase, Barbara nos hizo escribir una meta y mi meta es de lograr un avance para entender por qué he resistido ganar más dinero. ¡Tuve un avance increíble hace unos días!

¡El Clic!

“Ajá! ¡Lo entiendo!” dije. Estoy hablando del clic. El clic es un término que Barbara usa en su libro,  Overcoming Underearning®.  Ella lo describe come “Ese momento de ‘ajá’ cuando reconoces con cada fibra de tu ser que mereces ganar más solamente porque lo vales.”

Hace unos días, no podía dormir. Cansada de dar vueltas en la cama, encendí la luz y empecé a leer Overcoming Underearning®. Cuando abrí el libro, comencé a leer una parte titulada Your Deepest Values, o Tus Valores Más Profundos. En algún momento de esta lectura, descubrí que nunca tomé el tiempo para ver lo que valoro, principalmente porque nunca me había valorado. En ese momento me di cuenta que valgo mucho y que soy digna de lo que me pagan.


Credit: * Lo vales
* Lo vales

¿Por qué es el avance más significativo para mí?

El clic me llegó justo cuando me di cuenta que el  sanar financieramente no tiene que ver nada con dinero. Tiene que ver con los valores que tienes y si eres sincero contigo mismo.  ¡Ahora sé con certeza que lo valgo y que si me valoro también!

Sin embargo, esto vino con resistencia.

Inmediatamente de haber hecho esta conexión, escuche la voz de Sabina. Sabina es el nombre que le he dado a  mi voz interior Esa voz que nos dice, “No eres lo suficientemente buena. No tienes las habilidades o experiencia para hacer esto o aquello.” En Overcoming Underearning®, Barbara le llamo a esta voz negativa Blanche y tiene una sección de su libro titulada Don’t Listen to Blanche o No le hagas caso a Blanche.  Este subtítulo es un consejo buenísimo. Esa noche, Blanche me dijo, “¿De veras, Liz? ¿Tienes la audacia de decir que lo vales? Lo cual le contesté, “¡Si! Tengo la audacia de no sólo decir que me merezco todo esto, pero también lo valgo!”  ¡Me sentí muy bien!

Por último…

Me siento como si un velo ha sido levantado y por primera vez estoy permitiendo prosperidad financiera en mi vida a un nivel más alto que nunca. Todavía siento resistencia y he aprendido que siempre lo habrá. Lo importante es de tomar acción y de no parar hasta que tus sueños se hagan realidad. Así que continuaré a trabajar hacía mi sueños de ser escritora y de empezar mi negocio a pesar de mis temores. ¿Por qué?  ¡Porque yo lo valgo!

La teleclase que estoy tomando con Barbara me ha ayudado inmensamente. Si quieres más información sobre las clases de Barbara Stanny haz clic aquí.

¿Qué cambios significativos  has tenido con el dinero o en otra parte de tu vida? 

7 thoughts on “Because I Am Worth It! ¡Porque yo lo valgo!

  1. Thank you, Kathryn. That’s an interesting question he asked you. I think valuing yourself really just comes down to how much you love yourself. But, we all definitely deserve and are worth to have a rich life in every sense of that word.


  2. Hi, since you were following the Blog Migration-X3, I take the liberty to leave you this message to inform you that Migration-X3 has been deleted. From now on, the same Blog and its content have the name of D.A. Lavoie, and the address is: . So I ask you to take note of this and it will be a real pleasure to greet you there! Have a nice day, D.A. Lavoie.


  3. Elizabeth.. Absolutely you are worth it 🙂 … You post was very insightful and made me think on how strong we can be even tough we don´t seem to believe it sometimes
    The inner power is what counts. And I think this: “Once you dream it /or wish it, you achieve it”.

    Best wishes from Aquileana 🙂


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