My Definition of Intelligence – Mi Definición de la Inteligencia

My Definition of Intelligence

I am extremely intelligent.

I could almost hear you say, “What a most egotistical thing to say about yourself?” Oh, but it’s true. I am not just intelligent, I am extremely intelligent.

The truth is my definition of intelligence is not that of society’s definition of intelligence. Merriam-Webster’s definitions of  intelligence are (1)”the ability to learn or understand or to deal with new or trying situations: reason; also: the skilled use of reason.”  “(2): the ability to apply knowledge to manipulate one’s environment or to think abstractly as measured by objective criteria (as tests).” While the majority of people I know will say you’re intelligent if you’re book smart, I beg to differ.

My definition of intelligence is taken from Dr. Dyer’s definition of intelligence. “A true barometer of intelligence is an effective, happy life lived each day and each present moment of every day.” ~ Dr. Dyer

Credit: *Happiness - Felicidad
*Happiness – Felicidad

A while back I was flipping through the pages of Dr. Wayne Dyer’s book, Your Erroneous Zones, and I came across his take on intelligence. He said,  “The vision of intelligence predicates formal education and bookish excellence as the true measure of self-fulfillment. It encourages a type of intellectual snobbery that has brought with it demoralizing results. We have come to believe that someone who has more educational merit badges is ‘intelligent.’  Yet mental hospitals are clogged with patients who have all the properly lettered credentials- as well as many who don’t.”

As someone who was diagnosed with manic depression and OCD, I am well aware of the pain of depression and the feeling of hopelessness.  Here I was in my psychiatrist’s office while in school for my second master’s degree, and I was miserable. In reality, there are millions of people out with “educational merit badges” (as Dr. Dyer calls them) who are considered “intelligent” by most, but are not living in a state of happiness.

Dr. Dyer goes on to say that “if you know that given your ability to resolve a particular concern you can still choose happiness, then you are intelligent.” It’s simple. The choice to be happy is yours.

Therefore, true intelligence for me lies in happiness, and this intelligence is our natural state. Always remember that at any moment in your life, you can choose to be happy. True intelligence lies within us.

Have you ever thought of intelligence in this way? What do you think of this definition of intelligence? 

Mi Definición de la Inteligencia

Soy muy inteligente.

Creo que dijeron, “¡Qué cosa tan más egoista acaba de decir! Ah, pero es cierto. No solamente soy inteligente, sino soy muy inteligente.

La verdad es que mi definición de la inteligencia no es la definición de inteligencia de la sociedad. El diccionario Real Academia Espaõla define inteligencia como  “1.  Capacidad de entender o comprender” y “2.  Capacidad de resolver problemas.” La mayoría de la gente dirá que uno es inteligente si eres un cerebrito, pero no estoy de acuerdo.

Mi definición de inteligencia es la del Dr. Dyer. “El verdadero barómetro de la inteligencia es una vida feliz y efectiva vivida cada día y en cada momento de cada día.”

Credit: *Happiness - Felicidad
*Happiness – Felicidad

Hace unos años, estaba hojeando las páginas del lbro del Dr Dyer, Your Erroneous Zones, o Tus Zonas Erróneas, cuando leí sobre la inteligencia. Dice, “Esta visión de la inteligencia postula la educación formal y el conocimiento académico o la cultura como la verdadera medida de la realización personal. Fomenta una especie de esnobismo intelectual que ha obtenido consigo unos resultados muy desmoralizadores. Hemos llegado a creer que una persona es “inteligente” si tiene una serie de títulos académicos, o una gran capacidad dentro de alguna disciplina escolástica es inteligente. Sin embargo, los hospitales psiquiátricos están atiborrados de pacientes que tienen todas las credenciales debidamente presentadas –como de muchos que no las tienen.”

Soy muy consciente del dolor de la depresión y el sentimiento de desperanza a causa de las enfermedades mentales. Hace más de 18 años me diagnosticaron con trastorno  maníaco depresivo y con  trastorno obsesivo compulsivo. Estaba en el consultorio de mi psiquiatra, estudiando para mi segunda maestría y era infeliz.  En realidad, hay millones de personas que tienen título acádemico y son considerados “inteligentes,” pero no son felices.

El Dr. Dyer dice,  “si sabes que tu capacidad para resolver un problema, puedes eligir la felicidad, entonces eres inteligente.”Es sencillo. La elección de ser feliz es tuya.

Por lo tanto, para mi la inteligencia verdadera reside en la felicidad  y esta inteligencia es nuestro estado natural. Acuérdate siempre que la en cualquier momento de tu vida puedes elegir la felicidad.  La inteligencia verdadera está dentro de cada uno de nosotros.

¿Has pensado de la inteligencia de esta manera? ¿Qué piensas de esta definición de la inteligencia? 

6 thoughts on “My Definition of Intelligence – Mi Definición de la Inteligencia

  1. Thanks this is very interesting, I have always thought that as a society one of the many mistakes we have made is to put too much emphasis on material knowledge, and gain, and not enough on the feeding of society through inward happiness, and peace, that would grow out to improve our movement towards peace. When young I was seen as being of very low intelligence, and was told by a state Psychologist that I should spend the rest of my life in a psychiatric hospital, as I would never fit into society, and society would never accept me. My mother and father fort him, and kept me at home and school. It turned out I had dyslexia at a time few people understood about it, but I did not turn out to be so bad after all! Thanks for this, best wishes, and Blessings Charles.


    1. Hi Charles, I completely agree with putting too much emphasis on the external and material knowledge as opposed to our inner selves, peace and our happiness. Since seeing the psychiatrist a few years ago, I decided to do just that. I now meditate regularly and I do everything I can do to be happy and peaceful. Thank you for sharing with me. Wish you all the best! Blessings, Liz


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